Main Street Journal - Weekly Update for Monday, June 10, 2013
![]() Slicing A Shrinking Pie Surprising the Memphis City Council, Memphis mayor AC Wharton unveiled an overhauled budget plan; one that is a “reset”. Mayor Wharton is proposing a new tax rate of $3.51, though he said that number could drop. He also proposed 400 layoffs and fewer paid leave days. More from the Daily News. City Council members proposed much tamer alternatives. The council meeting descended into “bickering” and “deep seated differences”. The next budget goal: consensus? Unified Shelby County Schools: Some coaches are upset by a plan to unify lawn treatment under one outside firm. Shelby County Budget Talks: The County Commission gave the first positive vote (of three required) to raise the County’s tax rate. The commission tries to strip Mayor Luttrell’s budget. The County’s pension fund has reached a new high. Luttrell also says the City of Memphis has one more fiscal year left to conduct auto inspections. Midtown Redevelopment: Midtown areas are in the news lately for their redevelopment efforts like Overton Square. The Cooper-Young Business Association wants $3.4 million from the City for a neighborhood parking garage. Chisca Hotel: An update on the rehabilitation of the venerable old hotel. Education: State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) has released a poll (PDF document) showing that most citizens support the Common Core State standards; more. State legislators are alleging bias in some State textbooks. The State Senate Education Committee will hold “fact finding” sessions later this year. Summer in the City: The City’s public pools opened for the Summer season this past weekend; more from WREG, WMC, Fox13. New requirements are in place for public pool users in Memphis. Memphis scores low, by the Trust for Public Land, on public park accessibility. Two workers were fired for playing vulgar music over the Mud Island monorail.
Tennessee: Memphis isn’t the only city where citizens feel shortchanged by Downtown development. Nashville is expanding its downtown redevelopment over to the west bank of the Survey Says! Memphis is ranked the fourth cheapest city to live in.
Nuclear Power: Tennessee will be the first state to roll out small modular nuclear reactors. Tell your friends you read it here:
Bass Pro Pyramid: Downtowners won a partial victory with a redesign of the exerior of the Pyramid. Fox13 has a first look inside the newly remodelled building. It is scheduled now to open in Fall 2014.
Second Amendment: Even though it’s soon allowed by State law, many school systems say they do not foresee gun carry by teachers.
Mississippi: The new mayor of Clarksdale has big plans for civic revitalisation. Also the Clarksdale NAACP is still unsatisfied with answers over the murder of mayoral candidate Marco McMillian. Unfortunately, there were more questions than answers at their weekend forum. The State Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence for Leslie Galloway III. The state’s economy grew 2.4% in 2012. State Democrats want to expand Medicaid to add 300,000 people.
Pilot Flying J: One of the companies allegedly involved in the company’s fuel surcharge scandal, Western Express, had Pilot Flying J buy a suplus airplane of theirs. There are questions about R. Brad Martin’s role and history in defending PFJ.
Islam in Tennessee: A planned speech by Federal US attorney Bill Killian on Muslim civil rights resulted in a capacity crowd in Manchester. The Associated Press has the story. The American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee says their meeting was hijacked by instigators. Memphis Parks: A lawsuit was filed and now a citizens group is fighting the renaming of three Memphis parks.
Local Media: Say, where’s Wendi? Former Commercial Appeal theater critic Chris Blank has been hired by WKNO-FM as their News Director. Memphis Animal Shelter: A worker was found guilty of animal abuse. Billy Stewart may get up to two years, or probation. Two other workers got plea deals. More from WMC, Fox13. Traffic: Traffic nightmares continue thanks to contruction at Poplar Avenue and Mendenhall. A broken gas main at the intersection didn’t help matters. More on that from WATN. Stormy Weather: Was a funnel cloud spotted just west of Memphis this week? A non-stop rainy season is responsible for problems with Mississippi crops. Arkansas: Former State Treasurer Martha Ann Shoffner was indicted last week on bribery and extortion charges. West Memphis High School principal Jon Collins has been hired as the new superintendent of the West Memphis City School District. Governor Mike Beebe has added three more counties to the State’s disaster list. Juneteenth: This year’s festival is coming this weekend to Douglass Park. Memphis Zoo: Neighbors are complaining about the trash accumulating around the park. The crowds at Free Tuesday are blamed. |
Picture of the Week
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Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a … oh, never mind. It’s just the Met Life blimp near Olive Branch, Mississippi. From Twitter by Tom Guleff. ©2013. Tom also has a blog, Joe Citizens. Used with permission. |
Knoxville News Sentinel: Tennesee’s top legislators would do well to not count on internet sales tax revenues before they actually happen. They also call for Governor Bill Haslam to expand Medicaid.
Pam Strickland: The public meeting in Coffee County this week, where anti-Muslim protesters spoke out against Islam, is pure First Amendment in action. (Via the Knoxville News Sentinel) Fred Brown: The eyes of Normandy/D-Day assault veterans say it all. (Via the Knoxville News Sentinel) Kenya Nelson Stevens and Jay Everett: The Amp (the city’s proposed city rapid transit mass transport system) will be a “breakthrough” for the City of Nashville. (Via the Tennessean) Frank Daniels III: This week marks the 42nd anniversary of Cohen vs. California, the Supreme Court’s landmark obscenity ruling. Also, is our Federal government getting a bit too intimate? (Via the Tennessean) Richard Grant: The lessons of history are clear: Bigger government tends to corrupt. (Via the Tennessean) Gerry Calhoun: Thorium, as in small modular nuclear power plants, is the best choice to power America’s power plants. (Via the Tennessean) Lucy Shaw: Five steps to curing “comparison fever”. (Via the Tri-State Defender) |
vibinc: Talking about the Memphis budget talks, Steve says “You cannot cut your way to prosperity or health.”
Smart Stuff 4 Work: Using archaeology to divine the future of the workplace. (Via the Daily News) Mel and Pearl Shaw: Asking “Why?” can transform your organisation’s giving. (Via the Daily News) Guerrilla Sales & Marketing: Differences between genders should guide your advertising choices. (Via the Daily News) Memphasis: Learning to see with the eyes of an architect. (Via the Daily News) The Memphis News: They offer a few budget suggestions. The Rant: He points the finger of blame squarely at white, right-wing, Southern Christian crazies despite conflicting evidence. (Via the Memphis Flyer) Charles Sims Jr: The time to start planning your business for the Affordable Care Act is already past. (Via the Tri-State Defender) Carlee McCullough: There is no shortage of civic foundations supporting the arts in Memphis. (Via the Tri-State Defender) Flyer: There are right ways and wrong ways to handle government budget discussions. |