Main Street Journal

On the Road with Al Gore Jr.


The following is an excerpt from our March issue:

By: Nicholas Carraway

For those of you who do not know Nicholas Carraway (I assume everyone does), he has spent the better part of the last twenty years traveling the country in a renovated R.V., working as a freelance reporter for a number of wonderful publications. His recent kick has been one-on-one interviews. Mr. Carraway has agreed to send the Main Street Journal his notes. Since he does not believe in the use of computers, the notes come in a large Federal Express envelope and are usually jumbled. The quotes you find in this article are mostly accurate; however, the questions may be somewhat out of place. This interview took place with former Vice President and Oscar Award Winner Al Gore Jr. at the plush Mondrian Hotel on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.

NC Mr. Gore, it is an honor to sit down with you again.

AG Please Nicholas, just call me Al – Al Gore. I used to be the next president of the United States of America.

NC Yes, I have heard you say that before. Actually, we have all heard you say that before.

AG (laughing) Those were the good ol’ days, weren’t they Nicholas?

NC If you say so. We are here to talk about the Oscars though. Did you ever imagine you would one day win an Oscar?

AG You know, after inventing something as monumental as the Internet, I really had to sit back and reassess my life and ask myself a very important question – what could possibly top this? And you know, making a movie and winning an Oscar was the only logical answer I could come up with.

NC So you knew you would one day win an Oscar? Even back in the White House?

AG Of course, of course. You know Nicholas; I helped invent the Oscars.

NC Alright Mr. Vice President, lets try and stay on track here. How does it feel to be an Oscar winner?

AG Well, you know, I would really like to take this opportunity right here and now to formally announce my intentions . . . (looking around)

NC (sliding to the edge of his seat) Yes, to formally announce what?

AG I would like to formally announce my intentions . . . to . . . to order a Red Bull. Have you ever had a Red Bull Nicholas? They are truly invigorating.

NC (sliding back in his seat while Al Gore orders a Red Bull)

AG Actually, to be honest, I would like to take one moment to deliver a message to the people of the world.