Main Street Journal

March 2007, Volume 18


cover-march2007The Main Street Journal is the fastest growing, full color, monthly news and culture magazine in Memphis and the Mid-South. Subscribe online — it’s safe and easy!

Table of Contents: March

On the River
Jonathan Lindberg: The Race for Memphis Mayor, Part II
Mick Wright: Resurrecting the Overton Shell
Commissioner Mike Ritz: Challenges for Big Shelby

On the Road
Nicholas Carraway: Al Gore Jr.

Judith’s Picks
Judith Conroy

Lead Article
Michael Roy Hollihan: This Just In: How the Memphis television news is adapting to the internet age

Feature Articles
Daniel E. Johnson: Group-Think: Does science encourage open-mindedness?
John Fund: Pass the Salt: Why the 2008 Election is no sure thing

Ties that Bind
What is Really Happening at the Temple Mount
Stop Subsidizing Iran

On the Shelf
Jonathan Lindberg: How the Other Half Lives

On the Money
Chuck Bates: The Financial State of the Union, Part II

This Just In: How the Memphis television news is adapting to the internet age


The following is an excerpt from our March issue:

By: Michael Roy Hollihan

The evolution of local television news has definitely reached new heights. Never in this city have so many local options been made available from so many different directions. Consider this: in 1980, there were two stations doing local news, with roughly ten hours a week in programming. Twenty-five years later, the