Comments on: The Nine-Trillion Dollar Question Politics and Culture Done Just Right Mon, 22 May 2006 20:46:11 +0000 by: John Sat, 22 Apr 2006 01:49:34 +0000 <em>Tanner said this is nothing new out of his mouth. "I was raising hell when our debt was $5 trillion," he said. Particularly alarming to him is the fact that, since 2001, the federal debt limit has been increased from $5.9 trillion to $8.9 trillion "and the fact that 75 percent of our deficits the past four years have been financed overseas, and the figure was 90 percent of last year's deficit ($317 billion)." He pointed to the fact that nearly $250 billion in the proposed budget for fiscal 2007 will be spent on interest payments alone, "and that takes away from the things we should be investing in - infrastructure and human capital, and by that I mean preventive health care and education." Tanner said, "look in history, and no civilization that was sick and undereducated ever succeeded."</em> - <a>Jackson Sun</a> Why is it Tanner is making sense to me? He wants to raise taxes and control spending. I want to control spending and if we can do that GDP growth should take care of the rest. Then again he talks sense and votes to increase spending every time. My point is that this is an issue that the Dems are going to use successfully to gain ground on us if we don't start living by the things we say we believe in. Tanner said this is nothing new out of his mouth. “I was raising hell when our debt was $5 trillion,” he said.

Particularly alarming to him is the fact that, since 2001, the federal debt limit has been increased from $5.9 trillion to $8.9 trillion “and the fact that 75 percent of our deficits the past four years have been financed overseas, and the figure was 90 percent of last year’s deficit ($317 billion).”

He pointed to the fact that nearly $250 billion in the proposed budget for fiscal 2007 will be spent on interest payments alone, “and that takes away from the things we should be investing in - infrastructure and human capital, and by that I mean preventive health care and education.”

Tanner said, “look in history, and no civilization that was sick and undereducated ever succeeded.” - Jackson Sun

Why is it Tanner is making sense to me? He wants to raise taxes and control spending. I want to control spending and if we can do that GDP growth should take care of the rest. Then again he talks sense and votes to increase spending every time. My point is that this is an issue that the Dems are going to use successfully to gain ground on us if we don’t start living by the things we say we believe in.

by: mickey white Fri, 21 Apr 2006 18:21:49 +0000 Great! Why do Conservative Constitutional replublicans not run against the pork spending NEO-CONS ? Great! Why do Conservative Constitutional replublicans not run against the pork spending NEO-CONS ?

by: Wintermute Fri, 21 Apr 2006 15:56:02 +0000 Another sound post. It's a relief to see true conservative thought re-emerge to the fore. Paleo-, libertarian-, a rose by any other name. Anything but the corrupted form of neo-. Another sound post. It’s a relief to see true conservative thought re-emerge to the fore. Paleo-, libertarian-, a rose by any other name. Anything but the corrupted form of neo-.
