Main Street Journal

SRLC in photos, part three


Jo Ann Davidson

Saturday opened with GOP Co-Chair Jo Ann Davidson, who introduced Virginia Senator George Allen, Kansas Senator Sam Brownback, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Mississippi Senator Trent Lott and Texas Governor Rick Perry:

George Allen

Virginia Senator George Allen said Americans need to keep the country secure, keep taxes low and hold fast to the country’s “foundational values.”

Sam Brownback

Kansas Senator Sam Brownback said the core battle of our time is to “defend the inherent dignity of each and every person.” Brownback said marriage is the answer to poverty in America.

Lindsey Graham

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham was the morning’s most humorous speaker, with lines such as, “It’s hard to be the native son of a state and lose, but Al Gore pulled it off.” Graham emphatically apologized to delegates for the Republican Party’s hand in exploding federal spending and the Abramoff scandal, among other frequent compaints.

Mike Huckabee

Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee reprised a speech he gave in Memphis for the East Shelby GOP Master Dinner, in which he explained how a boy from Hope could become a Republican, and why Americans are turning conservative.

Trent Lott

Mississippi Senator Trent Lott echoed Senator McCain’s emphasis on 2006 and show of solidarity with the President. “They can’t stand President Bush, that’s why I love him so much!”

Rick Perry

Texas Governor Rick Perry listed his achievments in cutting $2.6 billion from the state budget and keeping a pledge not to raise taxes.